Friday, October 30, 2009

"Pumpkins not punkins, Mom"

These are our pumkins!! We always pick pumpkins that match our family. Tall one for Scott, Medium for Braeden,... this year mine had to be FAT. :) and B picked a tiny one for baby. He is suddenly attached to Bubbin again(the stuffed rabbit) and this pick shows where Bubbin fits in our family. "He's older than Liesl".

"Mom, I can make this face too."

Braeden did all the carving by himself this year, all I did was scoop out the guts because I just can't sit for any length of time on the floor. But he did an awesome job!!
We are looking forward to Trick or Treating in our new neighborhood this year.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

preparing for baby

Baby's room!!!! I just fell in love with this bedding, mostly because of the quilt (even though I know you can't even use it). So I thought it was pretty clever to hang it on the wall.

We've been getting ready for the baby to come for a long time now. I finally got her room finished. Doing so also meant re-doing Braedens room since he was using the baby furniture. Above is the little flower border I painted, it matches her bedding.

Her bassinet, it has lamby sheets that I just love and the blankey was mine.
I have always loved this furniture even when it was Braeden's.

This is the project I made out of the old cards I found. They were the cards my mom recieved when she had me. I thought they were so pretty and dainty. The little booties hanging on it were mine too.

Her crib set. The little bear was a gift to Scott's little cousin Keith from Scott's Mom. Keith was very generous to give it up for her.

This is what Braeden's room looks like now. We drove 120 miles to IKEA to get him this bed and desk. It took days to put together and then parts of it didn't fit. My dad had to come over and cut 5 inces off the bottom and 4 inches off the end of the desktop.

Then he had to remove the exisiting ceiling fan and install a new light fixture so Braeden could get in and out of bed.

He loves having a bunk bed, I miss being able to lay in bed with him to read at night, and
when I check in on him at night
I just have to listen for breathing because I can't see his sleeping face. :(

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Baby Shower 9/27

My wonderful family gave me a baby shower on September 27th. It

was at Demetrios in Parma. The place is an old family favorite around here and serves German and Hungarian comfort foods.

Lots of friends and family came and I felt truly blessed. Baby showers are way more fun than Christmas!! I've waited a LONG time to get to play in all the pink girlie stuff and I loved every minute of it!!

The baby got just about everything she could possibly need.

catching up

We have have had a busy fun fall. We had to make sure we squeezed in an Indians game. Braeden just loves them. We went on blanket giveaway day and Braeden even got a game ball.

Spent some time at Papa's new house and Braeden got yet another lesson in tractor/lawn maintenance. He really can't wait till he can do it by himself.

Scott got some of his Dad's Browns season tickets this year. I will only go to the games while its warm, so this will probably be my one and only game this year. The Browns lost of course but it was still nice to spend some time with my hubby. We're trying to squeeze in as much as we can before baby comes.
We've also hit the movies, a few great restaurants and a Cavs game.