Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gods Birth Control

last week at the grocery store I let Liesl hold the container of blueberries. In the middle of isle 2 she decided to throw them on the floor. The container burst open and blueberries went rolling in all directions. GEEZUS!! ok so I begin kicking them to the edges of the isle out of the way of cart traffic and some nice woman in her pajamas starts helping by picking them up in her hands. She turns to me and hands me this giant handful of blueberries. What the hell does she want me to do with them? put them back in the container?? uh no. carry them around the store? throw them back down?? I take them, find a trash can in a check out line and pitch them. we finish our shoppin when the cart is so full items begin flopping out and Liesl has to ride on the handle bar to get to the car. 280$ yay!

Liesl got Pink eye this week. Drops in a toddlers eyes. not fun. not fun at all.

I strained my back this week from all the bending and lifting I do with 5 toddlers and all of their miniature furniture that I have to clean 60 times a day. Miserable pain all day. Napping children begin screaming to get up and i dart down the steps to get them. Wince in pain from darting, fall down 7 steps on my ass and feel like i have litterally ripped every muscle in my back in half. paralyzing pain followed by trip to emergency room. 5 hours in emergency room with a toddler crawling all over filthy everything. yay!

Trip to target for pinwheels to decorate for easter and milk. of course fill cart with many unnecessary items because its illegal to leave target having spent less than 100$. at check out, Liesl tries to grab milk jug, knocks it off counter. It splits in half!! milk begins flowing all over the floor and counter. onlookers everywhere are gasping and staring either thanking God they dont have kids, feeling sorry for me , or laughing. Announcement made over loudspeaker: Clean up on Checkout 1!!!! I continue to load bags and stuff goldfish at toddler. Employees swarm with bags of some kind of powder shit that soaks up liquids. I need some of this stuff. then the cashier tells me to go stand over there and wait for someone to get you another milk. Please god make me invisible.

Liesl is trying to decide if she would like to drop a nap. sometimes she drops both of them. sometimes i let her scream through both of them. sometimes she goes to bed at 6 oclock.

Yesterday after opting out of both naps I made the genius decision to try return some purchases and having no other choice brought Liesl. She decided this would be a great tiem to start screaming at the top of her lungs that she wanted her "MIMI" (binky) . I of course dont let her have binky except in bed. she threw full blown melt down, kicking screaming head flailing dear god get me some duct tape melt down. everyone in the store cheered when we left.

Most days I pray that my husband will change his mind and give me another baby. this week when I got my period. I thanked God for not answering my prayers.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

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