Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Leslie's House of Snot

Just sitting here thinking about how much I hate snot.

I have a profession in which 90% of the time ALL or some of the children in my care have some sort of snotty nose.

The amount of tissues I go through in this place could stuff a living room of couches.

It shoots out in rockets, it drips, it runs, it hangs. It comes in clear, yellow, green and sometimes orange.
They lick it, they blow it, they touch it, they smear it from ear to ear. Sometimes it even stretches an arms length.
Ever heard of a nasal aspirator? Its a fun little gadget you can use to SUCK it from their face and then squirt it into a kleenex. Really?!?! Suction snot out of a 12 month olds unwilling face. This is my job.
And despite its complete and utter grossness, they HATE it when you try to wipe it off of them. So there is screaming and crying and squirming and it just gets all over everywhere, including my clothing, my furniture and my hair. Yea, snot in your hair is awesome.
Thinking of renaming the place "Leslie's House of Snot"

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our holiday photo shoot

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and hoping it is filled with as much fun as we are having over here this year.
My babies are growing up so fast. Braeden is such a great, loving and helpful big brother. He just turned 8 and Liesl just had her 1st birthday last month.

Awww. Aren't they just the most adorable angels! Sweet little pink cheeks and pearly white toothy smiles. Those beautiful blue eyes...
Ok so there was a whole lot of this before we got that.

Gimme that hat!

Mom I can hold her...

tackling, wrestling, giggling....

Here brother let me just push this button right here....

What would Chritsmas be without just a little bit of naughty.
Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Can you fell the Merry??

Braeden decided he was to big to sit on Santa's lap this year. He took one for the team to help Liesl. You can see how much it helped. :) Someday the stressful hour we spent waiting in line for this wonderful memory will be forgotten.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just figuring out some new stuff on Picasa web albums. Havent posted any pics from Liesl's birthday yet. Here she is, not shy with the cake!!
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