Saturday, March 27, 2010

march fun and turning 4 months old

Liesl turned 4 months old. She had her first virus which sent us to the doctors. Woke up with an unexplained fever and NO other symptoms. The doctor checked her temp in her bum, did a throat culture, and took a urine sample by putting a sticker w/ a little plastic baggie attached to it over her girl parts inside her diaper (I knew when she had gone because it leaked all down my arm and leg). She was not happy about any of it and we left with instructions to give tylenol and expect a fever for the next 2 days. She had a high fever all that night and most of the next day and then got well as suddenly as she got sick.

This is her "woe is me" pose. No really though this is how she falls asleep every night, with her little hands over her eyes.
This is us before church one sunday. this outfit had the cutest little beret hat.
She started solid foods. Rice cereal was not an instant hit, but after a few tries she likes it and does well. She has also added green beans to her list of foods with Squash to follow next week.

We celebrated lots of family birthdays this month. Great Grandma Zitella turned 85 and we went to Youngstown for dinner and cake and icecream with them. Great Grandpa Nemeth, Aunt Priscilla and Grandpa Eye had birthdays too. I made dinner for Dennis and Debbie on St Patty's day. Dennis would not eat corned beef and cabbage so I made roast beef instead. This is his birthday sugar-free cherry pie. LOL

This is the group party at Great Grandma Nemeths in Kirtland. Liesl was not a fan of the clapping that followed the singing, she screamed.
I am getting started back to work and have had kids over at least part time everyday. It is so nice to have an income of my own again. :) Little by little the basement is becoming functional. I am anxious to have Uncle Bird put in a toilet down there.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Even at 34yrs old I am still experiencing some "firsts" in my life. Last week Scott woke up one morning with a fever of 103 and strep throat. Of course that was also the day that we got 15 inches of snow overnight and Braeden got a snow day. Since Scott was out of commission and it obviously HAD to be done.... I snow blowed the driveway!!!
Now I had to mow my own grass when I was single there for a while and I figured it couldn't be that much different, none the less I was intimidated because I have never laid a finger on a snow blower.

So there I am!! There was alot of snow! You can see that it came up to my knees and it was higher than the snow blower in some places. Scott took these pics with his phone from the bedroom window.

Braeden got in on the action too. He would stand in the path of the shoot and let the snow blast him in the back. It was pretty funny. I also learned the hard way to blow in the direction of the wind. :)

And another first.... Well I tried to burn down my new house the other day and had to use a fire extinguisher for the first time in my life. Let me tell you I was scared. So we started burning those small fire logs in our little fireplace. Scott had bought me a box from walgreens last week and I had used them all up. So the last time I went to the grocery store I picked up 2 Duralog 3 hour logs. They were bigger than the ones Scott had bought but I didn't think it would make that much difference. Needless to say they were WAY to big and burned HUGE flames. I was nervous the minute I lit it. (of course Scott was upstairs in his sick bed) Even though it was big I figured it would only get smaller right?? uh NO. The thing broke into about 7 pieces and fell through the rack and started to look like a bonfire!! It filled the whole firebox. I ran for the fire extinguisher (which of course still had the damn wrapping on it... flames lapping as I struggle to tear off the seal) and quickly put the whole thing out. I was pretty proud of my quick thinking but was super shaken up.

We will be getting the ceramic gas logs soon.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

3 Months

Liesl turned 3 months old on the 10th of Feb. She is sure getting big fast. I estimate she weighs about 12 pounds now and is about 24 inches long. She has some sexy long legs thats for sure.
Recent achievements include rolling over with ease from belly to back, sitting up in the bumbo chair, hanging out in her hopper and grasping and holding toys.

Isn't that just the face of an angel??

I think she is so funny. She is still persnickety, prefering to be held by Mommy or Daddy and screaming at loud noises and strange faces.

Sleeping for longer periods of time though still waking to eat at least once every night. Honestly I don't mind much anymore because I am all too aware of how fast she will grow out of this.

look at those beautiful eyes!!!

Here she is posing :) And look at the mess of hair!! I try to stick bows in it but it is usually just unruly.

Hey Froggy!!

I will never get tired of rocking my babies. Just thinking about her growing out of this makes my heart ache.

God Bless Liesl Victoria

One of these days I will get the photo uploader on this thing figured out.

We baptized our little Liesl on Valentine's Day February 14, 2010, at our new church St. Paul United Church of Christ. We started going about 2 months ago and really like it there. Its a very small church with a very old congregation, and we felt needed and welcome when we went. So we became members on Valentine's Day too.

This is the first family photo we have taken since Liesl was born. And it was after the ceremony and she was fed up with being passed around.

Pastor Pelzer. She didn't cry when he took her to put water on her head or when he walked her down the isle. All the little old ladies at church just love her, and they fuss over her all the time.

Her dress was a one of a kind that my mom spent way too much money on. She was gorgeous in it.

Her Godparents, Scott's Aunt Chrissy and Uncle Mark. They were very excited about the job. Chrissy is Scott's moms youngest sister and was just a little girl when Scott was born.

I got a new dress too and must admit I felt pretty skinny again!!

She didn't let that bonnet bother her either.

oh and what a hassel the cake was. Apparently spelling Liesl's name is harder than I thought it would be because the store had to call me twice to make sure they had it right.
The party afterward went very well and there was TONS of extra food. I was begging people to take it home.