Friday, April 30, 2010

5 months

Liesl turned 5 months old this month. She really is just growing sooo fast. This month she is continuing to develop her neck and back strength with rolling over and tummy time.

She is getting used to being at daycare and has made some new little friends. This is Jacob. He is 7 months old and enjoys playing footsie, pulling out her bows and tasting her toes.
This is her favorite chair!! She kicks her feet and gets it bouncing super fast. Its like baby tread mill and she will do it for almost an hour at a time. Here she is after FINALLY catching those little guys! Believe me she has been trying for a long time! :)
Wouldn't you just love to know what is so funny.....

This is Braeden proving that he can still get his toes in his mouth. He didn't think this was quite as big of an accomplishment as we did apparently.

Liesl discovered her toes!!! and they fit in her mouth!!!! :) This is her new favorite game and she gets very upset when you put footie jammies an her and she can't get to the toes.

She is still getting up alot in the middle of the night. She had a bad cold for a few weeks and we think that set her back a bit. She couldn't breath let alone sleep. There were a few nights that she slept in the infant chair next to my bed, and those were some of the best nights of sleep she'd had in months. We are almost to the point where we need to lower the crib, we find her in all sorts of funny places in the morning.
She had her first airplane ride and met her Aunt and Uncle and cousins for the first time. She has added several fruits and vegi's to her menu with prunes and bananas topping the list of favorites.
We've had to pack away all of her 3 to 6 months clothes already, but no worries we've also already filled the closet with lots of pretty 6 to 9 months things. (with a little help from the easter bunny and some grandmas!!)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oregon visit

Liesl and I took a trip with my mom to Oregon to visit my brother and the new baby. This is us at the airport. I like to start my vacations with a small margarita :)

Liesl did very well on the plane. She cried when the air pressure changed and when we had to sit on the tarmack and wait, but slept most of the way.

Oregon has some very beautiful countryside, and is famous for its wineries. My brother took us to a few of his favorites. We sampled lots of wine and sat outside on the balcony for a snack of cheese and meat. It was a gorgeous day, both babies tolerated us and mom got drunk. She was funny.

Look how beautiful! The mountains in the background and a rainstorm.

The entrance to Anne Amie vineyards.

My brother and I.

If I look tired its because I was. The 3 hour time change plus flying over night, plus a baby waking up every three hours will do that to you.
This winery made several excellent wines, Mom and I both had some shipped home. MMMM.

Mema got LOTS of grandbaby time. Ari was just the sweetest baby ever. Not at all "high needs" like someone we know. Look at her smilin away.
Mom and Annalisa played UNO every spare minute. It reminded me of playing with my Gram Hagg, we wore out a few UNO decks.

The little girls liked each other! Ari let Liesl borrow her bed.
This is Dan's neighborhood. We took a walk to see the chickens and have hot cocoa at "the Ross". Annalisa drank hers in about 3 seconds and then moved on to Axels.

Axel was sorry he had grown out of this toy and kept trying it out anyway. Liesl wasn't sure about him, he's quick that one.

We had friday night movie night. I made popcorn and we all snuggled on the couch. Mom fell asleep before the kids and Axel kept telling her "Don't sleep Mema!!"

We really needed a vacation, and it was so nice to visit with everyone. But most of all we learned how much we missed Daddy and our house. It was good to be home.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy 1st Easter!! I was very excited about my first easter and woke up before my big brother.
But he hopped right to it and found all the eggs and both baskets. The easter bunny was trickier this year!

Look at those BIG baskets!!! This is my family all dressed up for church. The service was beautiful. The bell choir played and Braeden and Liesl were both amazed. One day I am going to join because I just love it. The alter was covered in lillies and looked so pretty. We bought two of them to give to our great grandmas.

I'll admit I have dreamed about the matchy match family outfits since I was a kid. This was totally fun for me and I am lucky that everyone is still willing to oblige me.

I cooked dinner for 15. It turned out great!! I cleaned and got ready for days, and had most of it cleaned up before I had to leave for Oregon on Monday morning. Between Christmas morning and the baptism and easter, I have had my fill of entertaining and will be happy to show up at the next relatives house, appetizer in hand for the next holiday.